Alexandra's Adoption from China
We decided to adopt from China for several reasons. The children are healthy with few of the health problems found in children from the old Soviet bloc, they assimilate well into American society, and there are active support groups nationwide such as Families with Children from China (FCC). Having received a DTC (Date to China) of Dec. 3, 2002, we waited until early November of 2003 for our actual referral. We left Louisville, Kentucky on Thanksgiving Day 2003 for China. 

Our adoption agency, Families Through International Adoption (FTIA), arranged for our travel group to arrive in Beijing where we spent two days sight-seeing. We visited the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Temple of Heaven and The Great Wall. 
Our group arriving at Beijing Airport
Getting ready to leave Beijing Airport for our hotel
Standing in Tiananmen Square with Tiananmen Gate to the Forbidden City behind us
The Great Wall at Juyong Pass
From Beijing we boarded a plane for Wuhan, Hubei Province, to receive our new daughter. We spent five days in Wuhan going through the adoption process, with lots of time for sight-seeing.
On our second day in Wuhan we were taken to the Hubei Provincial Civil Affairs Office to receive
our new daughter. When we arrived the hallway was filled with attendants holding children waiting to meet their new parents. Our group was seated in a meeting room where our daughters were brought in one at a time as the adoptive parents' names were called. 
A hallway full of waiting babies
Alexandra being held by her new mother for the first time
Kathy and Rick Vasil with their new daughter Kimberly
Alexandra's first night away from the orphanage
Alexandra's first breakfast with her new mom and dad at the White Rose Hotel in Wuhan
Back for a second round at the Civil Affairs Office to finalize paperwork
Visiting the Hubei Provincial Museum with Alexandra
Jana and Alexandra at the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan
Alexandra and four other girls from the Tuanfeng Orphanage at the Wuhan Airport waiting to leave for Guangzhou
Looking at the photo albums that each family received from the Tuanfeng Orphanage
The girls from our group at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou
The exterior of the White Swan Hotel decorated for Christmas
Alexandra with her new parents at the White Swan Hotel
Enjoying the beautiful weather at Lu Park in Guangzhou
Banzai trees in Lu Park, Guangzhou
New moms and their napping daughters visit the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees
One of three giant Buddhas at the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees, Guangzhou
Lunch at Lucy's Restaurant along the Pearl River on Shamian Island, Guangzhou.
Alexandra eating her first birthday cake at a first birthday party for all the kids at a restaurant in Guangzhou
All the babies were required to have a physical at a Chinese clinic before going to the U.S. Consulate.
New security regulations prohibit photos being taken in the U.S. Consulate.
Alexandra napping in the Guangzhou Airport as we prepare to leave for Hong Kong.
Since all the girls in our group were close to the same age, we received Alexandra just one day after her first birthday, we all decided to have a first birthday party along with a Chinese version of an American birthday cake.
Mrs. Li, the Tuanfeng Orphanage Director, about to hand Alexandra to her new mother
Our travel group at the White Swan Hotel, on Shamian Island, in Guangzhou